Colombian merengon

Delightful Colombian Merengon: A Sweet Treat from South America

Delightful Colombian Merengon: A Sweet Treat from South America

Transport yourself to the vibrant streets of Colombia with a taste of Colombian Merengon, a confectionary delight that captured our hearts during our inaugural visit to this beautiful country. We had a great time exploring the Eje Cafetero, the coffee region in Colombia and this is when we had the opportunity to treat our palates to this delicious dessert!

Indulge in the exquisite flavors of Colombian Merengon, a beloved dessert from South America.

Colombian merengon



Colombian Merengon originates from Colombia, where it’s cherished as a traditional sweet delight. Although some claim that it is similar to pavlova we are not going to go into that here, but suffice to tell you that it is a delicious treat and having it with an exotic South American food will make it for an unforgettable experience.


This Colombian delicious dessert boasts layers of crisp meringue filled with fluffy whipped cream and a medley of fresh fruits.

Colombian merengon


instagramIf you are in South America, I would love to see your pictures.

Making Colombian Merengon is a breeze; whip up meringue, layer it with cream and fruit, and voila!


Try making Colombian merengon yourself with this recipe

Colombian merengon


How to Eat it

Savoring Colombian Merengon is an experience in itself. With a delicate balance of sweetness and tanginess, each bite offers a burst of flavor. To enjoy it fully, use a fork to gently break through the layers of meringue, allowing the cream and fruit to mingle on your palate. The crunchy texture of the meringue complements the creamy filling, creating a symphony of sensations. Whether you dive right in or delicately deconstruct each layer, Colombian Merengon promises a delightful gastronomic adventure.


Book a tour

From Salento: Cocora Valley Day Trip with Coffee Farm Tour

Colombian merengon


In conclusion, Colombian Merengon offers a tantalizing fusion of textures and flavors, making it a must-try dessert.

Whether you are in Colombia or you have a restaurant offering Colombian food, make sure to get a bite of this sweet delicious dessert!

¡Buen provecho!

Colombian food offers a splendid array of flavors, make sure to also include changua, buñuelos, ajiaco, arepas, bandeja paisa, cazuela de mariscos, arroz atollado,  and my favorite ceviche de chicharron, to your list of food to taste.

In Ecuador, you have a wide array of delicious food, so just to name a few, make sure to taste hallullas, melcochaquimbolitos, dulce de higos, quesadillas, locro, ceviche, cazuela and llapingachos.

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Have you tried Colombian merengon?

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Colombian merengon

Want to Learn to make some of these dishes and many more? Gran Cocina Latina: The Food of Latin America, This book comprises 500 well-written recipes from all Spanish-speaking countries in Latin America, providing great information and recipes of the exciting food you can prepare at home. At the same time, you plan your visit to South America.

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Delightful Colombian Merengon: A Sweet Treat from South America

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